Mango Coconut Madness

Beat the Heat with a Refreshing Mango Coconut Madness!

Summer is here, and what better way to cool down than with a tropical explosion of flavor? This Mango Coconut Madness drink is the perfect blend of sweet mango puree, creamy coconut, and chewy boba pearls. It’s easy to make at home and guaranteed to be a hit with anyone who tries it!

Recipe Type: Cold Drinks

Serving Size: 16 oz


  • 2.5 oz SAC’s Mango Puree
  • 1 oz SAC’s Coconut Powder
  • 0.5 oz SAC’s Smoothie Powder
  • 1.5 oz SAC’s Cane Sugar Syrup
  • 12 oz Ice
  • 2 oz Milk
  • 2 oz SAC’s Crystal Boba
  • 1 oz SAC’s Grapefruit Pulp



  1. Put all your wet and dry ingredients into a shaker. (Save the toppings for later).
  2. Add some ice.
  3. Shake.
  4. Shake until you smell paradise.
  5. Add your crystal boba and grapefruit pulp to a cup.
  6. Pour and strain shaker mixture into your cup.
  7. Add ice until full.

Looking for a refreshing treat to surprise Dad with this Father’s Day? Whip up a batch of Mango Coconut Madness and create a memorable backyard BBQ experience!

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